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Medicare Advantage: Thank you for the advice Joe Namath, but is this the right plan for me?

By Jenn King

Key Takeaways…

  • Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) can be more cost-effective during good health years.

  • You must have Medicare Part A and Part B to join a Medicare Advantage plan. However, many Medicare Advantage plans will cover your Part B premium. 

  • Beware trying to change from Medicare Advantage to Traditional Medicare later – you may not be able to get a Medigap policy if you can’t qualify medically.  Remember, guaranteed insurability is only available at initial enrollment.

How many times have you seen TV commercials with famous actors and sports heroes promoting Medicare Advantage plans that have $0 premiums?  Probably a lot. 

The ads talk about saving money over Original Medicare and offering benefits that Medicare doesn’t cover.  While this is often true, it is rare that those 30 second soundbites give you ALL the information you need.  Before any decision is made about your healthcare in retirement, it’s important to understand the total picture – what Medicare Advantage is, what benefits it can provide and some cautions if you decide to choose Medicare Advantage over Traditional Medicare.

While private health insurance plans have been a part of Medicare since the mid 1960’s, they didn’t become what they are today until the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 and the introduction of Medicare+Choice that eventually was named Medicare Advantage in 2003.  Medicare Advantage was designed to give recipients an alternative to “Traditional” Medicare.  As of 2021, 42% of the Medicare population is enrolled in Medicare Advantage.

What is Medicare Part C and What benefits will I receive?

Medicare Advantage, also known as Medicare Part C, combines Medicare Part A (hospital insurance), Medicare Part B (medical insurance), and sometimes Part D (prescription drug coverage).  In fact, this looks a lot like your traditional group HMO/PPO coverage that you had while you were working.  As a result, Medicare Advantage is a one stop shop, and for the most part, your benefits are combined in a single policy. Whereas Traditional Medicare requires you to enroll in the four separate elements: Part A, Part B, Part D and a supplemental Medigap policy.

Additional benefits that are traditionally available with Advantage plans are:

  • Dental Care, vision screening, hearing aids – not covered by Traditional Medicare.

  • Other quality of life benefits that MAY be available – fitness benefits, home safety devices & modifications, emergency response devices, non-emergency medical transportation, telehealth.

For those that enjoy travel in retirement, especially international travel, most Advantage plans cover worldwide emergency care.  However, with Traditional Medicare you are not covered and would likely have to pay for Travel Insurance separately or it may be covered by a Medigap policy.

So what about those costs?

If you start to shop for plans on your own via www.Medicare.gov/find-a-plan, you’ll find MANY plans that are low or no cost.  In 2022, the average monthly cost for Medicare Advantage when you include all the no-cost policies purchased, on average is $19 per month.  According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 59% of Medicare Advantage plans will charge no premium.

HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??  Medicare pays the private companies offering the plans to take on your health risk.  It’s a competitive market and the insurance carriers create attractive plans for Medicare beneficiaries and Medicare pays the insurance company a fixed amount per month to provide coverage to each enrolled beneficiary.  To keep their premiums low, private insurers will make up their costs through higher deductibles, copays, and coinsurance.

So for the consumer, a $0 premium does not mean that it’s FREE.  You still need to pay your Part B premiums and your deductibles, copays, and coinsurance.  Deductibles may be high to keep your premiums low, you will have copays for various medical services like x-rays, diagnostic tests, and then coinsurances for expensive services things like chemotherapy, dialysis, etc. 

Medicare Advantage DOES have an Out-of-Pocket Maximum.  In 2022, that is $7550 for in-network services and $11,300 for in-network and out-of-network combined.  So costs beyond that amount will be automatically covered by the plan.  There is no out-of-pocket maximum for Traditional Medicare, HOWEVER, many beneficiaries will pay for a Medicare supplement policy that will cover those costs.

Some things to consider…

Your network may be limited – Medicare Advantage plans are generally regional and might possibly have a smaller network of doctors.  You will have a Primary Care Physician that will require a referral to see a Specialist.  With Original Medicare you can go to any doctor that takes Medicare, anywhere in the US.

If you first elect Medicare Advantage and ultimately decide to transition back to Traditional Medicare which often happens as people’s health care needs rise, you will likely want to purchase a Medicare Supplement or Medigap policy to cover the copays, deductibles, etc.  HOWEVER, you must now be medically underwritten to purchase this policy. If your health is poor at that point, adding a Medigap policy may be very expensive or even unattainable.

When can I enroll in medicare advantage?

You can enroll when you are first eligible for Medicare.  After that you have two opportunities to enroll in Medicare Advantage:

OPEN ENROLLMENT - October 15 – December 7th

  • Opportunity to switch to a different Medicare Advantage plan or join a new plan or drop a plan and switch to Original Medicare.  Coverage then begins on January 1.

  • Opportunity to switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan


  • If you are already enrolled in Medicare Advantage, you can switch to a different plan

  • You can also switch to Original Medicare

  • Coverage starts the first day of the month you ask to join the plan

  • What can’t you do?  Switch from Original Medicare to an Advantage plan

before picking from the list of medicare advantage plans…

It is important to evaluate Medicare Advantage not just from the ads you see on television but by doing your due diligence to evaluate your personal health care needs:  your access to doctors, your healthcare usage, etc. to make sure you are selecting Medicare Advantage because it is the best fit for you. 

For state-by-state information on Medicare Advantage in 2022, please visit:  https://www.cms.gov/files/document/92921-state-state-fact-sheets-2022-medicare-advantage-and-part-d-landscape-final.pdf

For individual assistance, each state has a local State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) that helps Medicare beneficiaries navigate both Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage.  They can help you review your choices, answer questions about coverages, costs, etc.  http://www.shiptacenter.org/

Want to learn more?

Coming up next in our Medicare series is an article written by Michael Mikonis, where he discusses more specifics about when to enroll in Medicare and the annual updates that you should be aware of. In addition, we created an online course called The Retirement Continuum that delves further into the topic of Medicare. If you would like to get more in-depth information, you can watch our free online course here.


Freed, Meredith.  “Medicare Advantage in 2021:  Enrollment Update and Key Trends”.  Kaiser Family Foundation, https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/medicare-advantage-in-2021-enrollment-update-and-key-trends/.  June 21, 2021.

Freed, Meredith. “Medicare Advantage 2022 Spotlight:  First Look”. Kaiser Family Foundation, https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/medicare-advantage-2022-spotlight-first-look/.  November 2, 2021.

“CMS Releases 2022 Premiums and Cost-Sharing Information for Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans”.  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/cms-releases-2022-premiums-and-cost-sharing-information-medicare-advantage-and-prescription-drug.  Sep 30, 2021.

Wang, Penelope.  “The Pros and Cons of Medicare Advantage” Consumer Reports, https://www.consumerreports.org/medicare/pros-and-cons-of-medicare-advantage-a6834167849/.  October 14, 2021, Updated November 15, 2021.


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